Executive Search
An outstanding leader has the ability to both build the organization internally and execute a future vision. Finding top executive, artistic, and senior management professionals to strengthen your organization is serious business. At ACG, we embrace a non-traditional, open, and multi-faceted approach, embedded in inclusion, diversity, equity, and access, creating new opportunities for leaders and the communities and organizations they serve.
Our unique executive search process balances qualitative and quantitative data to ensure that the candidates possess the skills, experience, and educational requirements to excel in the role and fit your organization's culture, team, and community. Competencies, communication style, motivations, and values—these soft skills are the key to lasting success.
From the creation of a position announcement that serves as a significant marketing tool to a network approach to international recruitment, we are fully invested in the process. Our team will serve you and the candidates throughout the search to ensure a smooth and successful process from start to finish. We listen to the needs of your organization and the candidates to create results that are mutually beneficial and long-lasting.
Learn about ACG's placed candidates at some of the top arts and culture entities in North America.
Trust North America's leading arts and culture consulting firm with your search. Contact Us
Executive Search Experts
Commitment to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access, and Success (I.D.E.A.S.)
ACG ensures that diversity and inclusion are central principles of the executive search process. Each client is unique and defines diversity and inclusion differently—professional backgrounds, racial, cultural, socioeconomic, physical, gender, geographic—and ACG creates clarity and focus from the start of every search through careful discussion with the search committee. To present the most diverse pool of candidates with a wide array of professional and personal backgrounds, position announcements are developed with gender neutral language and distributed to selected associations with examples listed below:
- Arts Administrators of Color
- Asian American Arts Alliance
- BIPOC Arts
- Creative Economy Network
- Emerging Arts Leaders of Color
- Latinx Artists & Culture Workers
- National Association for Multicultural Education
- National Association of Latino Arts & Culture
- National Initiative for Arts & Health in the Military
- Women of Color in the Arts
What to Expect from ACG
Experience and Connections. Our influence is wide-reaching. We will use our knowledge and international relationships to find the best candidates for your organization.
An Open and Proactive Approach. Finding the right candidate is time-consuming yet exhilarating. We utilize our network and skills to recruit a broad array of candidates so your organization can focus on its mission.
Clarity and Focus. We will take the lead, allowing your organization to handle the daily revenue-generating activities essential to continued success and financial sustainability.
Visibility and Credibility. Our trusted team will ensure that prospective candidates understand the importance of the position and the challenges your organization faces.
Thorough and Objective. ACG’s unique methodology minimizes hiring bias and attracts the type of professional skills – experience, education, and accomplishments – that your high-performance position and organization demand.
Depth and Breadth. Our approach dives beneath the surface, identifying key soft skills and provides structured and unbiased sets of interview questions throughout the process.
Confidentiality. ACG will create a confidential information sharing and learning community using our SharePoint project management software. This allows agendas, notes, cover letters, resumes, communication style reports, and other data to be uploaded and accessed by search committee members in a password-protected environment.
A Guarantee.We expect your new leader to have a long tenure with your organization. However, if the hired individual does not remain in the position for at least 365 days, the search will relaunch at no additional fee. We also refrain from soliciting any employees of the organization for other positions until the placed candidate leaves the employ of the client or five years from the candidate start date, whichever is shorter.
Flat-Fee Service. The growing trend of percentage-of-salary fees have led other firms to negotiate in favor of higher candidate salaries. We set our fees up front, respecting your budget and long-term financial outlook.
Personalized Advice. As experienced professionals in the leadership, governance, and management of cultural organizations, we embrace the opportunity to provide advice that is tailored to meet your specific needs.